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SQS Standard Queues

Abstracted Boto3 Methods:


Batch send messages to an SQS “Standard” queue. (Click here for SQS FIFO Queues)

The SQS Standard Client is initialised with the name of the SQS queue. Once initialised, messages can be submitted as dict objects.

from boto3_batch_utils import SQSBatchDispatcher

sqs = SQSBatchDispatcher('aQueueWithAName')

payload = {'myId': 'abc123', 'something': 'in', 'my': 'message'}


unprocessed_records = sqs.flush_payloads()

Advanced Usage

Using the basic features of the SQS Standard client will suit most use cases. However, in some scenarios you may need additional control over how the data is transmitted to SQS. The SQS Standard client allows configuration of the following behaviour:

Batch Size

For information about batch sizes click here.

The SQS Standard client has the following maximum batch limitations:

Limit Type Limit
Number of Records 10
Byte size of a single record 262,144 bytes
Byte size of a batch 262,144 bytes

Message Id

Within a single batch submission to SQS, each message must be assigned a unique ID. By default the Boto3 Batch Utils client will assign a unique ID for you. However, if you wish to override this, simply provide the desired ID using the message_id argument on the submit_payload method:

sqs.submit_payload(payload, message_id="abc123")
sqs.submit_payload(payload, message_id=payload['myId'])

Delay Seconds

SQS allows messages to be published to a Standard queue, but to remain invisible for a period of time. Read more about this functionality in the official AWS docs.

Please note that AWS does not support this feature on SQS FIFO queues.

Boto3 Batch Utils allows configuration of Delay Seconds on a per message basis. The delay maybe 0 to 900 seconds (15 minutes). To use this feature, provide the delay_seconds argument to the submit_payload method:

sqs.submit_payload(payload, delay_seconds=45)


When a record is submitted to the SQS Standard client using submit_payload it is checked for uniqueness. The record will only be accepted if it is considered unique. Uniqueness criteria for this client are:

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